Audience Generation

Dell Technologies x Intel

How we executed a targeted audience generation strategy for a series of events with the theme revolving around Propelling Small Businesses to New Heights.
Dell Technologies x Intel

Dell Technologies and Intel came together to conduct a series of 5 events – 2 in Bangalore and 3 in Delhi with the theme revolving around Propelling Small Businesses to New Heights.

The objective was to keep opening avenues for discussions that can help small businesses power their prowess and reach new heights of success. ​The event’s theme was to focus on SMBs through engaging discussions around powerful strategies and industry-leading solutions that can help them scale growth. We executed a targeted audience generation strategy to invite attendees to the events. The successful event is a testament to Dell’s commitment to empowering businesses with strategies and technologies that shape the world of tomorrow. 

Explore B2B Marketing
  • ClientDell Technologies & Intel
  • IndustrySmall Businesses
  • Target ProfilesITDM, CXO
Kestone Impact
  • 5 events across two metro cities
  • 439 Unique Organizations